Digital painting
Exploring the intersection of technology and tradition.
“The question of whether an object is art can be a trivial one, but in some cases, it is a very difficult question to answer. That is, it depends on how deeply a person wants to explore it.” (Harold Cohen 2016)
It’s digital art inspired by Harold Cohen, a British artist who developed a software program for computer-generated art. I am interested in the possibility of machines making artistic decisions, like the human creative process.
Digital art is creating different territories and fresh rules through constant invention and experimentation. The technology of art, governed by new aesthetics, imagination, science and logic, constantly challenges our perceptions.
I used programming to extract and collage the movement and time changes of nature, life and aircraft, which are my favourite motifs, and generate them as new images. By changing the numerical values of the data, the resulting images are never the same. Although there is a programmed background algorithm, I have left room for chance and ambiguity, which even I cannot completely control.
“ある物が芸術作品なのかどうかという問いは、つまらない問題とも言えるし、場合によっては答えを出すのが非常に困難な問題でもある。つまり、その人がどれだけ深くそれを突き詰めたいかによるのだ” (Harold Cohen 2016)